Wednesday, September 23, 2015

When Creativity Means No Sleep

For quite some time now, I have been immersed in photography and music. These two creative worlds have been with me as long as I can remember.

I was the youngest so the first camera went to my brother; but I always wanted to take pictures. Eventually, many years later, I got my own camera and, as they say, the rest is history ...

Apparently as a kid I mostly cried when someone took my picture. Since then I have often been, voluntarily, in front of the camera; but that's a different story. Otherwise, I like to spend quite a fair amount of time behind the lens. Most of my free time, mostly weekends, are spent taking photos, and my evening are spent editing or creating with them on the computer.

As far as music is concerned, I appreciate growing up and spending time listening to my brother's latest musical discoveries. Through him I developed an appreciative ear for notes and musical arrangements; before long my companions and friends were musicians and bands.
I have been blessed and today I am still blessed as I get to work with a very talented Reggae artist named JoshRoy.
This is the background story for this post.

One evening of late, working on editing some photos from yet another outing, I decided to turn a portrait of Joshua (aka JoshRoy) into a possible CD cover. Before I knew it I was adding text and making it out to be a launch announcement for a new song. And so it came to be.

Inspired again, I took it upon myself to turn that song photo into a photo montage to accompany the song and here we are.
Another sleepless night spent at the computer mixing and moulding sound and images.
I hope you enjoy this special composition. The music is awesome.
I trust the montage is just as pleasing.

I write my first blog post on the same day of the launch of the new single "Don't Go" by JoshRoy Reggae Fusion Artist.

Truly, when creativity takes over, there is no sleep to be had.M.

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