Thursday, December 24, 2015

It's a Christmas Baby!

Mother and baby meet for the first time from Michele Farley-Photography on Vimeo. music by

Just a couple of days before Christmas, a long time friend asked me if I could take her picture before giving birth. What an honour it was to do a quick shoot for a friend to immortalize her beauty once again, this time in all the glory of her pregnancy. We had done a fashion shoot many moons ago. Yes this lady is a beauty queen and wore a crown with that title to prove it.

And quite the queen she is for being so powerful and tireless. Actually that could be said of all women who choose to bear children. It takes strength. Beauty is just part of the total package it seems. I took a few pictures as to not impose too much, but she did not let on how actually tiring it was... She was to give birth the next day as it turned out.

Lucky again, was I to pay her a visit on the very same day she was strong enough to get up to go see her baby. The rules of the admitting hospital may be different where you come from, but at this particular hospital in Seoul, the mother is not allowed to handle her baby until both are strong enough. But, we were able to see her, yes a baby girl, born December 21, 2015. I've been around pregnant women, I've been around babies, but this is the very first time get to capture both the  before  and after. So to celebrate  I decided to put it all together, a bit of photography, a bit of videography, a dash of music, and another beautiful story just in time for Christmas.

This is my gift to her and I hope you will find this project just as special as it was for me to make.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Wedding Photos and Telling a Story with Music

Jack and Patricia's Wedding Dec 12, 2015 Seoul, South Korea from Michele Farley-Photography on Vimeo.

Congratulations to the happy couple!
I love weddings. They are magical. It's wonderful to see and share in so much happiness. But for the photographer, it's hard work. Its difficult to take in the ceremony since you are focused on getting the shots that need to be part of any good wedding album with lots of close ups. When all is said and done, and you open the magic box, your camera, film or digital card, and view what you have captured you feel the magic in a different way. You celebrate the shot where the bride smiles just so and the groom has that twinkle in his eyes, and you didn't have to direct them.

I'll admit, I prefer to be "The Un-official 'Wedding' Photographer", a role I've played a few times as well just because I can't help myself. However, I make sure I'm out of the way of the official photographer, I don't get in their shot, I don't get in people's faces, or try to take over the directions to get the shot "I" want. I also don't steel the official photographer's shot by shadowing, but I do get my shot position taken over by the official photographer on occasion when they discover I've found another vantage point (a position giving a strategic advantage, commanding perspective, or comprehensive view.) but that's a different story.

A wedding is a story. Its a story of celebrating a union of two people who love each other.  That's the perspective I like to have in those occasions where voyeurism is from a different angle. As the actor you see what is in front of you, your groom, your bride, your parents, your friends. You are focused on the moment. But what else is happening, you can't start looking around, what does the ceremony look like. Now for this wedding there was a large screen and live streaming so all could see the action close up; a nice feature for large spaces and getting it like watching a movie. For the bride and groom, you get to see the movie later providing you also hired a videographer. 

Everybody sees differently, but being able to look back on something through someone else's eyes is a totally different experience, and that is where photography plays a big role. It allows us to share our stories and be part of them all over again. But what movie is complete without a sound track. This is not a video, but a photo montage (a combination of several photographs joined together for artistic effect or to show more of the subject than can be shown in a single photograph). You can call it a slide show if you prefer. The point is that the selection of the photos is important. But where the real magic occurs for me in doing these creations, is in adding the sound track and having the timing just right so that the music also tells the story of the image as it appears. It's just another magical moment when everything just falls into place, just as it should, just as the lives of the happy couple, right place, right time, memories and music for a life time.

Now, I'm going to go back to the magic box and work on more captured moments from this life time event. Again, let me say, congratulations to Jack and Patricia and all the best for your future together. This is my wedding gift to you, you get to be both actors and audience.

I hope you enjoy this "slide show" and discover the gems in the collation of the music and the moments I was able to capture as "The Un-official Photographer", the other eyes to see.

I am grateful to JoshRoy Reggae singer, composer, producer, and music producer Paul Shan  (Sound Factory) for their part in making this magic happen for me and for my audience.


Thursday, November 19, 2015

Special People

Special People (Lyrics) - JoshRoy Reggae from Michele Farley-Photography on Vimeo.

    There is something magical about creating new things like putting together pieces of a puzzle.
An image can be used in different ways to convey very different meaning and impressions. We should all know that. There is a responsibility that comes with being a creator. We should all know that. And just as much so, the power of an image comes to life even more with some content.
     In that respect, I couldn't be more pleased with having captured this candid moment, this instance of a smile, this natural occurrence that serves its purpose so well now in telling the touching story of this song "Special People".
     In light of the latest terrorist attacks around the world that have people divided over who should receive the most media and social media attention, I think this song helps us remember that #AllLIvesMatter.  I hope you enjoy this latest creation and will click, like, love and share. The YouTube video link is here:

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

When Creativity Means No Sleep

For quite some time now, I have been immersed in photography and music. These two creative worlds have been with me as long as I can remember.

I was the youngest so the first camera went to my brother; but I always wanted to take pictures. Eventually, many years later, I got my own camera and, as they say, the rest is history ...

Apparently as a kid I mostly cried when someone took my picture. Since then I have often been, voluntarily, in front of the camera; but that's a different story. Otherwise, I like to spend quite a fair amount of time behind the lens. Most of my free time, mostly weekends, are spent taking photos, and my evening are spent editing or creating with them on the computer.

As far as music is concerned, I appreciate growing up and spending time listening to my brother's latest musical discoveries. Through him I developed an appreciative ear for notes and musical arrangements; before long my companions and friends were musicians and bands.
I have been blessed and today I am still blessed as I get to work with a very talented Reggae artist named JoshRoy.
This is the background story for this post.

One evening of late, working on editing some photos from yet another outing, I decided to turn a portrait of Joshua (aka JoshRoy) into a possible CD cover. Before I knew it I was adding text and making it out to be a launch announcement for a new song. And so it came to be.

Inspired again, I took it upon myself to turn that song photo into a photo montage to accompany the song and here we are.
Another sleepless night spent at the computer mixing and moulding sound and images.
I hope you enjoy this special composition. The music is awesome.
I trust the montage is just as pleasing.

I write my first blog post on the same day of the launch of the new single "Don't Go" by JoshRoy Reggae Fusion Artist.

Truly, when creativity takes over, there is no sleep to be had.M.